英文网址参看: http://livestream.com/CGI/events/4366952
From Urban to Rural: Training Doctors on Moist Exposed Burn Therapy
Commitment by
In 2015, MEBO International committed to developing a training program for Chinese medical professionals to learn a revolutionary regenerative treatment for burns, Moist Exposed Therapy (MEBT). Capable of skin regeneration, pain relief, anti-infection and scarless healing, MEBT has been proven to dramatically reduce morbidity and mortality of burn patients. In addition, MEBT demonstrates the potential for further organ regeneration. MEBO International will partner with the China Association of Integrative Medicine to identify trainers to deliver MEBT training sessions and help bring the technique to all provinces in China. The program will include a total of 500 free training sessions that will be held every month in various venues; from hospitals to clinics, schools, and pharmacies. This commitment has been designed to bring attention to the potential of this life-changing technique, and to commemorate Dr. Xu and his legacy of saving people from pain and suffering.
- See more at: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/urban-rural-training-doctors-moist-exposed-burn-therapy#rd