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在所有美国商业银行持有大宗商品(衍生品)总量中,大摩JPM在一季度占比飙升至96%,绝对是垄断市场!为什么OCC决定将黄金与外汇合并、而实际抹掉了黄金衍生品的细目列表?花旗银行N.A.在去年三季度场外掉期敞口迅猛飙升20%,而且衍生品名义总额突然比控股集团还多,在这巨额杠杆的幕后,究竟有什么在发生? 千帆竞发的网易博客 

相关博文:   伦敦鲸覆灭全解析--摩根大通巨亏背后的美帝真实意图 




  (2015-06-29)    千帆竞发 
For years there had been speculation, rumor and hearsay that JPM had cornered the US commodities market. Now, finally, we have documented proof.
* * *
  通常,我们查看OCC美国货币监查署(Office of the Currency Comptroller)的银行衍生品活动季度报告,来看看哪家银行在美国(市场)持有最大规模的衍生品名义头寸总量。原因在于,像过去经常发生的那样,我们发现了一些惊人的结果,比如最近在1月份我们发现,花旗集团第一次超越大摩JPM 成为美国衍生品总额规模最大的银行,略高于70万亿美元,相比之下,长久以来霸主JPM摩根大通在2014年三季度敞口为65.3万亿美元,这也解释了为什么花旗集团起草了综合法案中的互换业务排它辞令。
Traditionally, we look at the OCC's Quarterly Bank Report on derivatives activities to see which was the largest bank in the US in terms of total notional derivative holdings. The reason being that like on frequent occasions in the past, we find some stunning  results, such as most recently in January when we wrote that, for the first time, Citigroup had eclipsed JPM as the largest US bank in total derivatives, with just over $70 trillion compared to perennial megabank JPM's $65.3 trillion as of the third quarter of 2014, explaining also why Citigroup had drafted the Swaps push out language in the Omnibus Bill. 
And while this time there was little exciting to report at the consolidated level (JPM overtook Citi in Q4 only for Citi to once again become the world's largest bank in total derivatives with $56.6 trillion compared to $56.2 trillion for JPM and $52 trillion for Goldman as Bloomberg reported earlier), and in fact total notional derivatives tumbled from $220.4 trillion in Q4 to $203.1 trillion in Q1 the lowest level since 2008...  

... an absolutely shocking blockbuster emerges when looking at the underlying component data.  
Presenting Exhibit 12: Notional Amounts of Commodity Contracts by Maturity: even a CFTC regulator would be able to spot the outlier charted below.
What the chart above shows is that after fluctuating around the low to mid $200 billion range for the past 5 years, in Q1 the amount of Commodities with a maturity of under 1 year exploded to a record $3.9 trillion!  
Sadly, the OCC provides no actual explanation for why there was such an epic surge in commodity derivatives within the US banking system in the first quarter, so we decided to explore.  
What we found is what those who have for years accused JPM of cornering the commodity markets, have known: because it is none other than JPMorgan's Commodity derivative book primarily in the <1 maturity bucket, which exploded from just $131 billion to a gargantuan and never before seen $3.8 trillion!  
In fact as the chart below shows, while historically JPM has accounted for just over 50% of total commodity holdings among all US commercial banks, in the Q1 this number soared to a stratospheric 96% which by anybody's standards is the very definition of cornering the market!
We don't know what prompted JPM's derivative book to soar to such a never before seen amount, but the number most certainly looks abnormal on both an absolute and a relative basis, especially considering that no other banks boosted their particular derivative book with the same vigor.  
  这是怎么回事呢?So what is going on here?  
We decided to dig down some more when we encountered something even more perplexing. Because whereas in previous quarterly updates, the OCC broke out the FX and Gold categories as separate derivative items as seen in this most recent chart from the Q4 update...  

... in Q1, once again quite inexplicably, the OCC decided to lump these two products together, thus making any credible observation about the total notional outstanding of just gold derivatives, impossible! But wait, we thought that according to former Chairman Bernanke, gold anything but currency: is the OCC suddenly disagreeing with that assessment?  

Furthermore, while in all previous iterations of the OCC's Table 9, gold derivative notionals by maturity were explicitly broken out as can be seen in this Q4, 2014 table below:  
Starting in Q1, 2015 the "gold" section in Table 9 no longer exists (although we can see that while JPM cornered "commodities", it was Citi that had its total derivative notional of "precious metals" undergo a massive jump, also for reasons unknown).  

One would almost think the OCC is hiding something as the demand of US commercial banks. So while we no longer know what just total gold derivatives outstanding is, for some unexplained, reason, we do know that the combined total of FX and gold just hit an all time high.  
* * *  
And while the OCC did all it could to mask the "gold" line item by lumping it with FX, it still kept "Precious Metals" as is, although we assume that this too will be lumped with FX and gold shortly.  
It is this chart that shows something is truly odd when it comes to the US commercial bank industry's activity in the precious metals space.  

So in summary, this is what we do know: in Q1, JPM cornered the commodity derivative market, with a total derivative exposure of just over of $4 trillion, an increase ot 1,691% from just $226 billion in one quarter!  
What we don't know is:
    why did the OCC decide to effectively eliminate its gold derivative breakdown by lumping it with FX,
    why there was a 237% increase in the total amount of precious metals (which include gold) contracts in the quarter, from $22.4 billion to $75.6 billion  
We have sent an email requesting much needed clarification from the Office of the Currency Comptroller, although we are not holding our breath.
Source: OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities  First Quarter 2015  
[网评] This illegal activity will certainly be dealt with promptly and severely now that JPM just hired a new "Chief Compliance Officer."……Oh wait... the new hire is Eric Holder! 这个非法活动当然将会得到迅速严肃处理,现在大摩JPM刚刚聘用了一个新的“首席督察长”……噢,等等,这个新雇员是(臭名昭著的美国前任总检察长)Eric Holder 


最近:  美国经济数据的疑云:新屋销售与就业数据(又是它)   千帆竞发的网易博客 
  连续大跌,哪些个股值得布局吸纳?弱势反弹,哪些个股具有领涨潜力?纷繁庞杂的各路信息资讯,该相信哪一个、是馅饼还是陷阱?券商研报目标价可信吗? 小店“


 (2015-01-05)    千帆竞发   
  …在Q2飙升了5万亿美元、而在Q3飙升超过8万亿美元——或仅在一个季度就迅猛飙升20%——达到庞大的49万亿美元,比大摩JPM或高盛(Goldman Sachs)持有的场外掉期多出超过16万亿美元、并且是美洲银行BOA持有掉期总量的两倍多!
  然后我们开始思考:  花旗……互换……花旗……互换……  
  突然灵光一闪,因为我们记起来,不是别人、正是花旗集团,精心制订了互换排斥条款的法案并在国会获得两党一致的丝毫未变的通过并把美利坚纳税人捆绑到FDIC担保的衍生品敞口的钩子上——花旗自身是截至2014年9月30日飙升到70万亿美元的大钩子:it was none other than Citigroup that crafted the legislation on the swaps push-out provision which passed Congress without nary a peep from either side of the aisle, and which put taxpayers on the hook for FDIC-insured derivative exposure - and in Citi's own case a soaring $70 trillion as of September 30, 2014:【下面这个条款(d)其实是在条款(a)的基础上为华尔街银行网开一面(以对冲风险的名义、以及非结构型融资或用于对冲的结构型融资)极尽可能地从事掉期互换业务
  我们还透露,不足为奇的,该法案的主要支持者推动者就是臭名昭著的华尔街傀儡Jim Himes (D-Conn.康州民主党)。《商业周刊》称其为“华尔街最喜欢的民主党人”,而他碰巧也是高盛(Goldman Sachs)前雇员
· 为什么FDIC担保的花旗银行突然拥有比HoldCo控股集团更多的衍生品名义敞口?这通常是没有先例的呀。
· 当4大银行的其他每一个都在降低资产负债表风险、并按照更严格的资本要求而减少衍生品敞口之时,为什么花旗集团(Citigroup)却以一个前所未有的狂热的速度增加其衍生品名义总额和掉期互换敞口、以至于一个季度内就提高了20%的场外掉期持仓?
· 当国会对掉期排斥法案进行投票时,OCC第三季度数据尚未公开。国会是否有人知悉,截至9月30日大约9万亿美元已被添加到纳税人担保的花旗银行衍生品持仓的账目里。
· 花旗集团和花旗银行截至12月31日的所有衍生品和所有掉期总敞口是多少,它继续以每季度大约10万亿美元的速度飙升吗?
And perhaps most impotantly: what is the underlying trade that requires Citigroup to keep adding to its swap exposure at a time when increasing volatility is forcing all other banks to unwind swaps in order to minimize VaR and be in compliance with Fed capitalization requirements?    
Now, we are not saying Citigroup is in the same boat as JPM's infamous CIO which led to congressional hearings and what not - especially since $250 billion was manageable; $50 trillion will not be - but we do wonder: just what is going on behind the massivaly margined scenes if Citi is following every page in the London Whale book and on top of everything it also had to lobby and petition Congress to change the law just so whatever it is that Citigroup is doing, it could continue to do, and what's more: with explicit taxpayer-funded backing.
[网评] Well, this is just great. Had a discussion with my colleagues today how crappy this whole economic "science" is. Some folks have spent dozens of years writing economics books, students spend years studying supply and demand etc. I mean, for god's sake, look at the oil price and try to define the moves with supply/demand or any other bull**it. The bottom line is that when some folks want Citi or oil price to go down then they will go down. We, including myself, are just useful idiots as one guy long time ago said. But at least it is nice to make a smart face and try to look like we know what is going on.  



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