
EC弟兄的WM -埃里克指挥官埃德蒙森、马克·萨瑟兰安排的兄弟马克萨瑟兰。

Royal Sussex
Lodge No. 501 EC Visit Shanghai 2006.
24 March 2006 members of Royal Sussex Lodge No.501 EC initiated a
visit to Shanghai together with
ladies and
members of the Irish & Scottish constitutions. The motley crew
was led by the WM of 501 EC Bro.
‘Commander’ Edmondson, and arranged by W. Bro. Mark Sutherland. The
main event in the three day
programme was
a visit to our former Shanghai Masonic Hall and to extend the hand
of friendship to the hall de
occupiers. Also from the historical aspect to garner the extent the
building had been renovated or
modified since
earlier visits.
Secondly, to
meet informally members of the Shanghai Square & Compass Club
affiliated to The Grand Lodge
F&AM of China .
Thirdly, to
visit the former Episcopal Cathedral near the Bund. The writer was
particular keen to enter the
having failed to do so on two earlier attempts to identify the
foundation stone and inscription.
some years the
cathedral was under the control of the Security Bureau and entry
was denied to outsiders.
This was the
writer’s third visit to Shanghai in recent times to try and
discover more about our long Masonic
heritage in
The Shanghai
Masonic Hall 1931
This former
1931 Masonic Hall is the fourth
Masonic hall
constructed in Shanghai (see left).
The first was
constructed in Nanking Road in
1835. The
second in Canton Road in 1861. The
third and more
imposing hall was built in 1865 on
30 The Bund
opposite the public gardens until
demolition in 1928. See right the
Masonic Hall
Beijing Road West today.
can see that an additional floor has been added and the trees have
reached maturity
On our arrival
at the former Masonic Hall at 1623 Beijing Road West (formerly
Avenue Road) our group
courteously greeted by Dr. Zhu Yan-miao the Vice-President &
Secretary-General and his colleagues
the Chinese
Medical Association Shanghai Branch (CMASB) who have been the de
facto occupiers since
1957. In 2003
I met Dr. Zhu in Hong Kong over lunch when he was given a personal
tour of our Masonic
Centre in Hong
Kong. After the formal courtesies we were permitted to look over
the building at will. The staff
kindly lifted
the hidden sunken board in the cavity built into the floor formerly
used by the Scottish brethren in
their Chapter
ceremonies. The shallow cavity was clearly shown on the original
plans. The cover over the
cavity was
lifted on an earlier visit by a group of the DGL of HK & FE and
the board exposed only after some
difficulty and
for the first time in many years. At that time the inscribed
letters on the board probably had
been revealed
since the mid 1950's when the Light of Freemasonry spluttered out
on China mainland and
On a previous
occasion the wooden honour boards situated on the ground floor on
which the names of the
Masters of the
lodges would have been depicted were varnished over and the names
totally indecipherable.
On this
occasion the thick varnish of three of the boards had been cleaned
so that one was able to partially
decipher some
of the names. From archives it was able to determine the lodges
from the uncovered names of
the Masters of
the lodges on the boards i.e. Doric Lodge No. 1433 EC warranted in
1873 and Tuscan Lodge
No.1027 EC
warranted in1874 and St. George's Lodge No. 4575 EC warranted in