Today, apart from their occasional appearance in a Monty Python
sketch, or the popular theory that Jack the Ripper was one, Masons
pass unnoticed by the general public. But this wasn't always
In 1827, the United States witnessed the birth of a third political
party. This had never happened before. The new party offered
America its first alternative to the two dominant political groups.
Like so many third parties to come, this one had a rather
narrowly-focused platform. It was dedicated to countering the
malevolent and subversive influence of the international cabal
known to the world as Freemasonry. It was named the Anti-Masonic
Party, and the Anti-Masons were well aware that theirs was an
uphill battle.
America's first President, George Washington, had been a Mason. So
were many other Founding Fathers, including Ethan Allen, John Paul
Jones, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin. Eight of
the 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence belonged to
avowed Masons, as well as nine on the Constitution.
In 1832, the Anti-Masonic Party managed to elect Millard Fillmore
to Congress, but their candidate for President received only seven
votes in the Electoral College. He was crushed by Andrew Jackson...
who was a Mason.
Freemasons claim that their group dates back to the stonemason
guilds of the Middle Ages, some even say it reaches back to the
building of King Solomon's Temple in 850 B.C. No one really
believes that. It was actually founded in 1717 by a bunch of
affluent Englishmen with too much time on their hands. The
organization flourished and spread rapidly throughout the British
empire; Masonic lodges appeared in the American colonies as early
as the 1730s. A separate strain later popped up in France and swept
across Europe.
It was a fraternity of sorts, attracting the community's best and
brightest. They would gather together for strange and secret
rituals, swearing oaths of allegiance to the brotherhood and each
other. Naturally, it became a place for negotiating business deals
and the exchange of gossip. The fraternity was soon a major power
center in any large city, and the international network of lodges
constituted an immense, wealthy, and well-connected
supragovernmental organization.
As such, it took almost no time at all for the the backlash to
begin. The Roman Catholic church was officially opposed to the
group ever since 1738, when Pope Clement XII condemned Freemasonry
and banned it from his faith. Catholics were forbidden from
joining, under pain of excommunication. In 1825, Leo XII reiterated
the ban and declared it to be permanent and everlasting. In 1884,
Leo XIII called on each member of the clergy to get the word out
and help defeat this insidious foe:
We pray and beseech you, venerable brethren, to join your efforts
with Ours, and earnestly to strive for the extirpation of this foul
plague, which is creeping through the veins of the body politic.
[...] We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask
from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is; and by
sermons and pastoral letters to instruct the people as to the
artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and
enticing them into their ranks, and as to the depravity of their
opinions and the wickedness of their acts.
In his encyclical, Leo pointed out that the Masons were in cahoots
with the Socialists and Communists. Quizzically, he omitted the
Jews. Perhaps it escaped his mind. Leo also referred to the fact
that Masons believed in such demonic notions as democracy, free
elections, the rule of law, and the separation of church and
This opposition to Freemasonry persisted into the 20th century.
Pope Pius XII hated them.
Freemasons suffered harshly in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler firmly
believed that they had been completely subverted by the Jews, as
described in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. As he explained
in his bestselling autobiography Mein Kampf, the Masons had been
subverted to provide a mask of legitimacy for the diabolical
[I]n Freemasonry, which has succumbed to him completely, he has an
excellent instrument with which to fight for his aims and put them
across. The governing circles and the higher strata of the
political and economic bourgeoisie are brought into his nets by the
strings of Freemasonry, and never need to suspect what is
Accordingly, the Nazis made it one of their top priorities to
uproot the organization. The government seized Masonic temples,
jailed their membership, and otherwise made life very difficult for
anybody attached to the group. In fact, it was Adolf Eichmann's
first assignment in the SS to track the activities of suspected
The greatest dictators of recent decades have jumped on the
Anti-Masonic bandwagon: Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet
(Chile), Salazar (Portugal)... not to mention all the conspiracy
There are many who claim that the Freemasons grew out of the
medieval organization known as the Knights Templar. Today, the
Knights Templar exists as one branch of the interconnected
organizations making up Freemasonry.
When a new member joins, his initial ranks in the organization are
referred to the Blue Lodge. This culminates in the designation of
"Master Mason." At which point, the newly-minted Mason faces a
choice: pursue either the Scottish Rite or the York Rite. Men who
choose the York Rite eventually have the option of joining the
Knights Templar.
Why They Are Hated And Feared
But why do the Masons have so many enemies? Historically, the group
has been attacked for a variety of reasons.
The Freemasons secretly rule the world.
Or, more precisely, the usual claim is that the Freemasons are the
visible arm of the Illuminati, who actually rule the world. The
founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, was also a
Mason. This fact prompted wide speculation that the two groups had
been (or still are) working in tandem for a broader objective --
the establishment of a "New World Order." This notion is still
widely believed, especially among the militia types.
But how sneaky can this society possibly be, if you can purchase
any of their tchotchkes through eBay? Last time we checked, there
were 3,204 auctions matching the query:
masonic,freemasonry,freemasons. In addition to the standard fezzes,
aprons, trowels, rings, and printed literature, there's a seemingly
endless parade of gaudy souvenirs:
ashtrays, ballpoint pens, bath towels, beer bottles, beer mugs,
bells, belt buckles, bottle stoppers, bumper stickers, bolo ties,
bookends, bookmarks, bowties, buttons, candles, canes, cigarette
cases, collapsible umbrellas, combs, commemorative plates,
cufflinks, cutlery, decals, decanters, door knockers, doorknobs,
drawer pulls, earrings, embroidered patches, figurines, flags,
flasks, gavels, goblets, golf balls, hat pins, ice cream molds,
jewelry of all kinds, keyrings, lamps, lapel pins, leather belts,
leather wallets, letter openers, license plates, license plate
holders, lightbulbs, lighters, magnets, medallions, medals,
miniature replicas of the ark of the covenant, money clips,
paperweights, pillboxes, pocket knives, polo shirts, postage
stamps, postcards, potholders, radiator caps, rubber stamps, silver
ingots, shot glasses, socks, statuettes, straight razors, sundials,
suspenders, swords, teddy bears, thermometers, thimbles, tie
clasps, tobacco pipes, tokens, travel alarm clocks, travel mugs,
tumblers, wall clocks, wall hangings, watch fobs, windbreakers,
Or, if you'd prefer brand new merchandise instead of hand-me-downs,
try contacting any of the hundreds of retail sites listed in Google
under fraternal supply. Almost all of them sell Masonic crap. Just
keep contacting them until you find one that doesn't care whether
you belong to a Lodge.
The Freemasons are Satanic, or at least anti-Christian.
Jack Chick promotes this idea. Many fundamentalist Christians
believe that Masons are required to pledge themselves to
Freemasonry above and beyond their religious faiths. This would be
a strict no-no for the Jesus freaks, if it were true. Which it
But then, you can hardly blame them. We're talking about a bunch of
people living under the specter of intergenerational suffering
(according to Exodus 20:4-5):
You are strictly prohibited from the manufacture of graven images
resembling anything found in heaven above, within the Earth, or
dwelling in the waters underneath the Earth. Neither will you bow
down before such images or serve them; because, as your god Yahweh,
I am easily excitable and will not hesitate to punish sons for the
misdeeds of their fathers, all the way to the third and fourth
Which is also why the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to say the Pledge
of Allegiance. Better safe than sorry, especially when you're
talking about eternal torment for you and your extended
Some even believe that Freemasonry is itself a religion, whose
deity is the pagan god Baphomet.
The problem is, as any devout Christian in the organization will
tell you, there is nothing Satanic about the group's ideology,
rituals, or symbols. But the nutballs have an answer for this. The
Masons don't believe that their group is anti-Christian because
only the innermost, core members know the truth. Meaning: inside
the secret club is another, even more secret, club.
The Freemasons are controlled by the Jews.
Already discussed that. Hitler, The Protocols, etc.
Contributing to the sinister reputation are all of their freaky
ceremonies. The Masons are very proud of their rituals, which have
been copied innumerable times.
One longstanding sore point for the Masons has been the
plagiarization of Masonic ceremonies and symbology by Joseph Smith
for his religious cult known as the Mormon Church. Smith was
inducted into the brotherhood in March 1842. In May he produced the
Endowment ceremony, which borrowed whole sections of dialogue from
the Masonic ritual. This pissed off a lot of Freemasons, to say the
least. Like every Mason, Smith had been required to swear an oath
never to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry to non-members, under
pain of death. Oh well. Evidently tired of taking crap from the
Masons, the Mormons finally excised the offending elements from
their ceremony in 1990.
One prominent 19th century Mason was Albert Pike. He was an officer
in the Confederate army during the Civil War, who later went on to
become a big deal in Freemasonry. He wrote seminal books which are
still read today by the Freemasons.
He was also evidently a big fat racist, writing editorials in his
newspaper inveighing against the Negroes and so forth. It is
widely-believed but poorly documented that Pike might have been one
of the original founders of the Ku Klux Klan. The Masons vehemently
deny this, of course.
Recognizable Masons
Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary War traitor.
Napoleon Bonaparte, French tyrant.
Henry Ford, auto manufacturor, racist.
Barry Goldwater, Senator.
Jesse Helms, Senator, homophobe.
J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director-for-life, homosexual.
Houdini, magician.
Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church.
Brigham Young, another Mormon.
Oscar Wilde, noted author and homosexual.
Mark Twain, American author.
John Glenn, astronaut.
Samuel Hahnemann, started the Homeopathy fraud.
Charles Lindbergh, aviator, racist.
All seven of the Ringling Brothers.
Colonel Sanders, fat fried chicken tycoon.
Dave Thomas, fat Wendy's tycoon.
Telly Savalas, player.
Peter Sellers, pink panther.
Strom Thurmond, racist US Senator.
William Walker, advocate of Manifest Destiny.
Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain.
Aleister Crowley, the most evil man that ever was, 33rd
U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren, head of the Warren
Roberto Calvi, Vatican banker.
Abraham Zapruder, filmed John F. Kennedy assassination.
Masons had an impressive (and to some, alarming) role in the
founding the United States, including most of the critical Founding
George Washington
John Hancock.
Patrick Henry, Give me Liberty or give me Death. Some claim that he
was never a Mason.
Benjamin Franklin, inventor, printer, diplomat, patriot, womanizer.
Arguably the most accomplished American that has ever lived.
Paul Revere
Ethan Allen
Thomas Jefferson, likely a Mason.
Additional Presidents who were Masons
Gerald Ford
William McKinley, assassinated by an anarchist.
James Garfield, assassinated President.
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S Truman
Warren G. Harding
William Howard Taft, the fattest President.
Andrew Johnson, the first impeached President.
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James Knox Polk
James Buchanan, the only bachelor US President.
Lyndon B. Johnson was a first degree Mason.
Ronald Reagan was an honorary Scottish Rite Mason, but not a
15 Mar 1842 Joseph Smith is initiated into the Freemasons. The very
next night, he will be promoted to the rank of Master Mason.
Mar 1935 According to Joseph Goebbels, the Soviet Union's recent
inclusion in the League of Nations was engineered by 300 "members
of the Jewish race and conspirators of Freemasonry."