He Xin: Preamble of Research on Pseudo-history of Rome
A few years ago, I published the Research on Pseudo-history of Greece to defy popular opinions, or a deliberate challenge to those pseudo-histories home and abroad.
Since its publication, I felt lonely. In addition to a smug and vulnerable slander in a tabloid (accusing me as the Academic Boxer, with much honor), I have never seen a decent rebuttal. (Accordingly, please refer to my response in He Xin's Blog and the book, including the English version.)
In fact, Pseudo-history of Greece and the Pseudo-history of Rome, as well as my recent Ruling World in 3 volumes on Masonic study are not well developed without any regrets. Most of the content of these books, were originally some random thoughts, essays and notes in my Blog, not much rigorous academic research and thesis. Besides my limited personal skills, recently, I have suffered from serious illness, resulting in my mental weakness and powerless conditions. Publishing these notes is expected to share my experience for readers' discussion in an attempt to introduce ceterun censeo by presenting my own wild thoughts.
However, it is impressive to find out compatriots especially intellectuals are so ignorant on the world history, especially intellectuals, including some professional history researchers.) My mundane views on Masons, which have been focused by quite a few men of insight abroad for years stunned the ignorant at home. As I proposed that most Greek and Roman history in the west is not credible (I once sent the book and its English abstract to many foreign friends and scholars who took my view unsurprisingly), only some short-sighted ones were astonishing, regarding it as a weird theory. However, in spite of the quantity of readers, very few of them are capable to challenge or argue my points, suggested by messages and comments from my blog.
In these years, many anecdotal and official works on the Western history are nothing but the translation of Western works, or rough interpreting out of mere copycat. During the 1950s to 1970s, historical theories followed the 5-Phase Pattern in the Soviet textbook, in describing the process and rules of the world history for constructing a system accordingly which does not work now due to many of the twists and turns. The mainstream system after the 1990s copied Western Cambridge textbook patterns in building another set of pseudo history. Presently, anecdotal and public history of Greco Rome, as well as on European medieval and Renaissance, in spite of earnest speakers and listeners, is mostly short of credit.
For over 100 years of Westernization since the late 19th century, domestic historians have not yet been capable of independent thinking, objective criticism and justifying pseudo history. What a deplorable fact!
In fact, Western mainstream admitted that before the Pericles, the so-called Greek Civilization is actually Trans-Mediterranean civilization, covering West Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe while the Greek Peninsula itself does not stand out.
But it is said that after Pericles in the 5th century BC, Athens went into its prime time due to the polis democracy. Greek language brought together Asian, African and European civilization forming a huge cultural peak. A magic youth (Superman) Macedonian Alexander unified Balkans and launched expeditions to Asia, Greek civilization led by Athens spread to the East to form the so-called Hellenistic age, which is a brilliant history making Aryans proud of in Western civilization, worshiped by many of those with the universal complex of Greece.
And my view is that these statements cannot be trusted, due to short of credible first-hand historical and archaeological evidence. Twaddles in Greek history have been argued in my Research on Pseudo-history of Greece. I questioned the basic issues:
--Where did the so called Western Greek Civilization come from? Is it the civilization centered at Athens in the Greek peninsula?
However, my research is: there were not sufficient conditions to support a brilliant ancient civilization in a barren and mountainous Greek Peninsula, where remains to be the most backward area in Europe. None of the few buildings and relics edging the city (including rebuilt modern imitation) was originated from the local primitives, but secondary forms spreading from East Egypt and the Asia Minor Civilization.
Linguistic evidence also indicated that instead of a state or national name, Pan-regional Greece centered at the Asia Minor of the Eastern Mediterranean, instead of Athens, west to the Aegean Sea. In the Pan-Asia Minor, Greek peninsula and the Balkans, there is no credible evidence suggesting any United Greece state ever existed in the history (i.e. the so-called prehistoric "marine colonial empire of Greece" is no less than a later apocryphal myth).
Even the story of the magic Superman, Alexander the great, unifying the Greek peninsula is a legend, instead a history. First, Western historiography has admitted the mysterious origin on ancient Macedonian nationality. (Modern Macedonia, mainly Slavs is not a kin or conspecies of the Greeks in ancient Athens.)
Even though Alexander and his father Philip is not a legend, instead of being conquered by Macedonians in Northern Balkans, Athenians and Greeks were conquered instead. So how could a Greek Empire come into being?
Secondly, a series of stories about Alexander's conquests or expedition has no credibility but second-/third hand stories without original historical materials told by the descendants. In fact, no historical evidence shows that there have been real homogeneous Ancient Greeks or united Ancient Greek Empire, which are critical to all the suspicious Greek issues.
Further research found that so-called ancient Hellenic culture, as well as the archaeological area of the so-called Homer, actually refers to the Asia Minor (now belonging to Anatolia in Turkey), rather than the Greek peninsula centered at Athens. Those Greek Sages including Homer and Thales are neither from the Greek peninsula, much less Athens, but the Asia Minor in the Eastern Mediterranean. Even the well-known Alexander, Aristotle were also from ancient Macedonian, in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula (the sources of which Western scholars admit that it is hard to tell), instead of the Greeks.
These seemingly stunning arguments are of a series of supporting facts. So even though I break some idols in people's mind, resulting in anguishing elites' angry shouting, in belief of Greek Myth, these irrefutable and undeniable arguments leave them powerless.
The book is the continuation of the Research on Pseudo-history of Greece, which discussed not only about Pseudo-history of ancient Greek history, but also those of the Roman history in the West.
It is rarely known to the Chinese people that historically there existed at least two Roman Empires (far more two in the actual history). One is Rome in Italy in Europe, namely old Rome, destroyed by the Huns and Germanic barbarians.
Another is the Eastern Roman Empire of Constantinople (today Turkey) in Asia, known as the New Rome. Western Rome in Italy, with the sudden rise and fall lasted for only hundreds of years, while Eastern Rome in Asia, as a 1,000-year empire, is of greater historical influences and civilizations than the former. Yet the Eastern Rome was almost ruined due to plunders of Christian Teutonic Crusader of other race with the same religious belief. The final attack to extinction was from the Muslim Turks in the Far East (Western Lands) leading to today's Turkey.
However, as it belonged to Asian people, recent historians who intended to falsely claim Roman orthodoxy in the West (such as the so-called Holy Roman Empire), cooked up Byzantine city/state just out of thin air (according to legend) in an attempt to rename the real Roman Empire. Thereafter, Western historiography, accepted academically never-existed Byzantine Empire in the history of the Eastern Roman Empire. This despicable deception is amazingly shameless!
Western mainstream histories often talk about the Italian Renaissance but avoid referring its cultural resources from the Eastern Rome.
In April 1204, Venetian, French and Germanic Knights of the Fourth Crusade launched a crazy bloody massacre and looting to Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, which was thoroughly documented in detail in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Gibbon (Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794) the Great Britain historian in modern time. But how many Chinese scholars of Western history have really read this great work?
Crusader Knight (Templar, also known as Masonic legion of knights) started a historic transfer of wealth, gold, cultural works of art, books and old scripture in Constantinople to the Italian peninsula and French areas such as Venice, Florence, and Paris. Templars made a fortune, becoming the richest force in Europe, establishing modern armed banks. This is also the first bucket of gold in primitive accumulation for Western capitalist. In the 200 years after, the Western witnessed so-called New Approach to Greco-Rome, a cultural movement, or Renaissance that swept through Italy and France for several centuries.
[It is wrong to say the New Approach to Greco Rome at all, as most Europeans in the history had known little about Greece and Rome previously. Greco Roman Mediterranean was not German ancestors from Northern Europe (as well as Anglo Saxons). After the Renaissance, they falsely claimed their cultural ancestors in the West.]
Banking families ruling in emerging city republics like Venice and Florence during Renaissance, such as Medici, for religious and political reasons, had hired scholars to falsifying history of ancient Greece in mass, mostly those of the Athenian Republic, mythology, and art, which also related to the disgraceful cultural plunder. In order to cover up their loot and theft, they not only renamed the Eastern Roman Empire, but also endeavored to eliminate the real memories of Greece/Hiram centered at Constantinople. So their cultural ghostwriters tampered historical sources from Constantinople, by presenting a virtual cultural center to ancient Athens, a desert island then.
But after 19th century, more empirical findings of archeology and fabricated Athenian stories have failed to find out credible supporting literature and empirical evidence. So in the 18th to 19th century, during the age of enlightenment, doubts were casting on Greek works in Western historiography. Fabricated lies faced betrayed. In the late 19th century, a series of suspicious archaeological campaigns were started, saying that in some parts of the Asia Minor (mostly not in the local Greece) unearthed some ruins and cities of the Homeric mythology, which has been historicized or grouped into authentic history in spite of their dubious origins, and the Homeric myth became authentic history of ancient empire in Greco Rome.
[Note: "The stories of heroes and gods in Homer's epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey had previously been dismissed by scholars as folk myths. However, Germany's romantic writer Heinrich Schilemann was convinced of these stories. He vowed to find out and discover the ancient city of Troy engaging in the war for Helen between Greeks and Trojans. He got funded by smuggling tea to Russia and began to explore in 1870. He succeeded in finding the Mycenaean Site of Troy and Peloponnese in the Asia Minor (Turkey). Some positive results were disastrous archaeologically, as he was short of expertise, in spite of his enthusiasm, so as to disappointingly collect relics of several cultural layers together indiscriminately. Yet, it has proven that Greek (now Turkey) civilization existed before the classical period so far. (?!)” (Stavrianos' A Global History) ]
Subsequently Greece Athens based concepts were fabricated such as Pan Greek Civilization, Trans-Mediterranean Greek Civilization, Hellenization, in manufacturing historical illusions from nothing, by presenting impression and ideas of the brilliant and splendid prehistoric Civilization of the Great Greece, based on Athens, covering three continents of Asia, and Europe and Africa around the Mediterranean. So a never existed Greater Greece Empire in the history was born out of thin air, and pseudo history of unwarranted Greece Athens was inoculated to the inherent long history of civilization in the Asia Minor (today Turkey).
The key points here are:
1. Historically, as Athenians have never actually occupied or controlled the Asia Minor, why is the Asia Minor known as Greek colonies?
2. Dorians are said as Ionian tribe's earliest immigrants to the Athens, becoming civilized ancestors of the Greek race(?), which is the Homeric myth, there without any other reliable evidence.
3. If to compare sculptures of ancient Greece with those of Italy Renaissance, it is clearly to find that the two are of particularly similar even identical themes, which are of stone from similar areas, as if created by the same batch of artists without any elapse of time, suggesting no sign that the two are near 2,000 years apart.
4. Most importantly, no consistent written history has been saved in Greece Athens, such as the Twenty-Four Histories in China. Almost all the so-called history, mythology, literary theories including philosophy, works of art, is not original, but was rediscovered after being brought to the West from Constantinople and the Middle East during the Renaissance. Existing so-called Greek works are not original, but compiled through transcribing and complex translated languages, in which the majority allegedly was from the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, already destroyed in ancient time. This provides leniently conceivable spaces for a series of pseudo, forging, fake and adaptation.
Hu Shi and his disciples invented a school of Judging Ancient History in the early 20th century, claiming void of virtually all prehistoric legends including Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Xia, Shang and Zhou. Thanks to Wang Guowei and Luo Zhenyu, Guo Moruo
He Xin: Preamble of Research on Pseudo-history of Rome
A few years ago, I published the Research on Pseudo-history of Greece to defy popular opinions, or a deliberate challenge to those pseudo-histories home and abroad.
Since its publication, I felt lonely. In addition to a smug and vulnerable slander in a tabloid (accusing me as the Academic Boxer, with much honor), I have never seen a decent rebuttal. (Accordingly, please refer to my response in He Xin's Blog and the book, including the English version.)
In fact, Pseudo-history of Greece and the Pseudo-history of Rome, as well as my recent Ruling World in 3 volumes on Masonic study are not well developed without any regrets. Most of the content of these books, were originally some random thoughts, essays and notes in my Blog, not much rigorous academic research and thesis. Besides my limited personal skills, recently, I have suffered from serious illness, resulting in my mental weakness and powerless conditions. Publishing these notes is expected to share my experience for readers' discussion in an attempt to introduce ceterun censeo by presenting my own wild thoughts.
However, it is impressive to find out compatriots especially intellectuals are so ignorant on the world history, especially intellectuals, including some professional history researchers.) My mundane views on Masons, which have been focused by quite a few men of insight abroad for years stunned the ignorant at home. As I proposed that most Greek and Roman history in the west is not credible (I once sent the book and its English abstract to many foreign friends and scholars who took my view unsurprisingly), only some short-sighted ones were astonishing, regarding it as a weird theory. However, in spite of the quantity of readers, very few of them are capable to challenge or argue my points, suggested by messages and comments from my blog.
In these years, many anecdotal and official works on the Western history are nothing but the translation of Western works, or rough interpreting out of mere copycat. During the 1950s to 1970s, historical theories followed the 5-Phase Pattern in the Soviet textbook, in describing the process and rules of the world history for constructing a system accordingly which does not work now due to many of the twists and turns. The mainstream system after the 1990s copied Western Cambridge textbook patterns in building another set of pseudo history. Presently, anecdotal and public history of Greco Rome, as well as on European medieval and Renaissance, in spite of earnest speakers and listeners, is mostly short of credit.
For over 100 years of Westernization since the late 19th century, domestic historians have not yet been capable of independent thinking, objective criticism and justifying pseudo history. What a deplorable fact!
In fact, Western mainstream admitted that before the Pericles, the so-called Greek Civilization is actually Trans-Mediterranean civilization, covering West Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe while the Greek Peninsula itself does not stand out.
But it is said that after Pericles in the 5th century BC, Athens went into its prime time due to the polis democracy. Greek language brought together Asian, African and European civilization forming a huge cultural peak. A magic youth (Superman) Macedonian Alexander unified Balkans and launched expeditions to Asia, Greek civilization led by Athens spread to the East to form the so-called Hellenistic age, which is a brilliant history making Aryans proud of in Western civilization, worshiped by many of those with the universal complex of Greece.
And my view is that these statements cannot be trusted, due to short of credible first-hand historical and archaeological evidence. Twaddles in Greek history have been argued in my Research on Pseudo-history of Greece. I questioned the basic issues:
--Where did the so called Western Greek Civilization come from? Is it the civilization centered at Athens in the Greek peninsula?
However, my research is: there were not sufficient conditions to support a brilliant ancient civilization in a barren and mountainous Greek Peninsula, where remains to be the most backward area in Europe. None of the few buildings and relics edging the city (including rebuilt modern imitation) was originated from the local primitives, but secondary forms spreading from East Egypt and the Asia Minor Civilization.
Linguistic evidence also indicated that instead of a state or national name, Pan-regional Greece centered at the Asia Minor of the Eastern Mediterranean, instead of Athens, west to the Aegean Sea. In the Pan-Asia Minor, Greek peninsula and the Balkans, there is no credible evidence suggesting any United Greece state ever existed in the history (i.e. the so-called prehistoric "marine colonial empire of Greece" is no less than a later apocryphal myth).
Even the story of the magic Superman, Alexander the great, unifying the Greek peninsula is a legend, instead a history. First, Western historiography has admitted the mysterious origin on ancient Macedonian nationality. (Modern Macedonia, mainly Slavs is not a kin or conspecies of the Greeks in ancient Athens.)
Even though Alexander and his father Philip is not a legend, instead of being conquered by Macedonians in Northern Balkans, Athenians and Greeks were conquered instead. So how could a Greek Empire come into being?
Secondly, a series of stories about Alexander's conquests or expedition has no credibility but second-/third hand stories without original historical materials told by the descendants. In fact, no historical evidence shows that there have been real homogeneous Ancient Greeks or united Ancient Greek Empire, which are critical to all the suspicious Greek issues.
Further research found that so-called ancient Hellenic culture, as well as the archaeological area of the so-called Homer, actually refers to the Asia Minor (now belonging to Anatolia in Turkey), rather than the Greek peninsula centered at Athens. Those Greek Sages including Homer and Thales are neither from the Greek peninsula, much less Athens, but the Asia Minor in the Eastern Mediterranean. Even the well-known Alexander, Aristotle were also from ancient Macedonian, in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula (the sources of which Western scholars admit that it is hard to tell), instead of the Greeks.
These seemingly stunning arguments are of a series of supporting facts. So even though I break some idols in people's mind, resulting in anguishing elites' angry shouting, in belief of Greek Myth, these irrefutable and undeniable arguments leave them powerless.
The book is the continuation of the Research on Pseudo-history of Greece, which discussed not only about Pseudo-history of ancient Greek history, but also those of the Roman history in the West.
It is rarely known to the Chinese people that historically there existed at least two Roman Empires (far more two in the actual history). One is Rome in Italy in Europe, namely old Rome, destroyed by the Huns and Germanic barbarians.
Another is the Eastern Roman Empire of Constantinople (today Turkey) in Asia, known as the New Rome. Western Rome in Italy, with the sudden rise and fall lasted for only hundreds of years, while Eastern Rome in Asia, as a 1,000-year empire, is of greater historical influences and civilizations than the former. Yet the Eastern Rome was almost ruined due to plunders of Christian Teutonic Crusader of other race with the same religious belief. The final attack to extinction was from the Muslim Turks in the Far East (Western Lands) leading to today's Turkey.
However, as it belonged to Asian people, recent historians who intended to falsely claim Roman orthodoxy in the West (such as the so-called Holy Roman Empire), cooked up Byzantine city/state just out of thin air (according to legend) in an attempt to rename the real Roman Empire. Thereafter, Western historiography, accepted academically never-existed Byzantine Empire in the history of the Eastern Roman Empire. This despicable deception is amazingly shameless!
Western mainstream histories often talk about the Italian Renaissance but avoid referring its cultural resources from the Eastern Rome.
In April 1204, Venetian, French and Germanic Knights of the Fourth Crusade launched a crazy bloody massacre and looting to Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, which was thoroughly documented in detail in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Gibbon (Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794) the Great Britain historian in modern time. But how many Chinese scholars of Western history have really read this great work?
Crusader Knight (Templar, also known as Masonic legion of knights) started a historic transfer of wealth, gold, cultural works of art, books and old scripture in Constantinople to the Italian peninsula and French areas such as Venice, Florence, and Paris. Templars made a fortune, becoming the richest force in Europe, establishing modern armed banks. This is also the first bucket of gold in primitive accumulation for Western capitalist. In the 200 years after, the Western witnessed so-called New Approach to Greco-Rome, a cultural movement, or Renaissance that swept through Italy and France for several centuries.
[It is wrong to say the New Approach to Greco Rome at all, as most Europeans in the history had known little about Greece and Rome previously. Greco Roman Mediterranean was not German ancestors from Northern Europe (as well as Anglo Saxons). After the Renaissance, they falsely claimed their cultural ancestors in the West.]
Banking families ruling in emerging city republics like Venice and Florence during Renaissance, such as Medici, for religious and political reasons, had hired scholars to falsifying history of ancient Greece in mass, mostly those of the Athenian Republic, mythology, and art, which also related to the disgraceful cultural plunder. In order to cover up their loot and theft, they not only renamed the Eastern Roman Empire, but also endeavored to eliminate the real memories of Greece/Hiram centered at Constantinople. So their cultural ghostwriters tampered historical sources from Constantinople, by presenting a virtual cultural center to ancient Athens, a desert island then.
But after 19th century, more empirical findings of archeology and fabricated Athenian stories have failed to find out credible supporting literature and empirical evidence. So in the 18th to 19th century, during the age of enlightenment, doubts were casting on Greek works in Western historiography. Fabricated lies faced betrayed. In the late 19th century, a series of suspicious archaeological campaigns were started, saying that in some parts of the Asia Minor (mostly not in the local Greece) unearthed some ruins and cities of the Homeric mythology, which has been historicized or grouped into authentic history in spite of their dubious origins, and the Homeric myth became authentic history of ancient empire in Greco Rome.
[Note: "The stories of heroes and gods in Homer's epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey had previously been dismissed by scholars as folk myths. However, Germany's romantic writer Heinrich Schilemann was convinced of these stories. He vowed to find out and discover the ancient city of Troy engaging in the war for Helen between Greeks and Trojans. He got funded by smuggling tea to Russia and began to explore in 1870. He succeeded in finding the Mycenaean Site of Troy and Peloponnese in the Asia Minor (Turkey). Some positive results were disastrous archaeologically, as he was short of expertise, in spite of his enthusiasm, so as to disappointingly collect relics of several cultural layers together indiscriminately. Yet, it has proven that Greek (now Turkey) civilization existed before the classical period so far. (?!)” (Stavrianos' A Global History) ]
Subsequently Greece Athens based concepts were fabricated such as Pan Greek Civilization, Trans-Mediterranean Greek Civilization, Hellenization, in manufacturing historical illusions from nothing, by presenting impression and ideas of the brilliant and splendid prehistoric Civilization of the Great Greece, based on Athens, covering three continents of Asia, and Europe and Africa around the Mediterranean. So a never existed Greater Greece Empire in the history was born out of thin air, and pseudo history of unwarranted Greece Athens was inoculated to the inherent long history of civilization in the Asia Minor (today Turkey).
The key points here are:
1. Historically, as Athenians have never actually occupied or controlled the Asia Minor, why is the Asia Minor known as Greek colonies?
2. Dorians are said as Ionian tribe's earliest immigrants to the Athens, becoming civilized ancestors of the Greek race(?), which is the Homeric myth, there without any other reliable evidence.
3. If to compare sculptures of ancient Greece with those of Italy Renaissance, it is clearly to find that the two are of particularly similar even identical themes, which are of stone from similar areas, as if created by the same batch of artists without any elapse of time, suggesting no sign that the two are near 2,000 years apart.
4. Most importantly, no consistent written history has been saved in Greece Athens, such as the Twenty-Four Histories in China. Almost all the so-called history, mythology, literary theories including philosophy, works of art, is not original, but was rediscovered after being brought to the West from Constantinople and the Middle East during the Renaissance. Existing so-called Greek works are not original, but compiled through transcribing and complex translated languages, in which the majority allegedly was from the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, already destroyed in ancient time. This provides leniently conceivable spaces for a series of pseudo, forging, fake and adaptation.
Hu Shi and his disciples invented a school of Judging Ancient History in the early 20th century, claiming void of virtually all prehistoric legends including Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Xia, Shang and Zhou. Thanks to Wang Guowei and Luo Zhenyu, Guo Moruo, finding Shang through inscriptions on bones, and enabling the authentic history of Chinese civilization after Shang.
[Note: Hu Shi and Gu Jiegang started the school of doubting history in the early 20th century, suggesting that "accumulated rumors built ancient history" and regarding that from Xia to Qin, earlier ancient history, more myths and legends. The ancient history should result from accumulated rumors from generation to generation. They argued that none of scriptures, and academic and historic records were credible as literatures of pre-Qin and ancient history had been compiled by scholars later, which prevailed for a while. Until Wang Guowei's finding of genealogy in inscriptions described in Historical Records, and Li Ji's findings of Yin Ruins following ancient books in Pre-Qin, more abundant relics were unearthed in the 20th century, completely breaking the denial of Chinese ancient history.]
Yet in academic communities in the West advertising their scientific positivism, no efforts have been made to authenticate ancient books, histories and myths in building a school of Judging Ancient History of the West. A lot of myths and rumors have been grouped into authentic history of Greco Rome, and accumulated into history, while some brainless elites in China worship those fabricated pseudo history of masturbation as sacred.
I was interested in researching Western history, including learning foreign languages for unveiling the truth. But in recent years I have suffered from a serious illness, and had to throw in the towel, as I have been unable to improve the old theory and supplement research.
In fact failed to compile the book personally, I had to appoint most of the task to my assistant. It took me over a month to complete this short preamble. The book and above described theories are therefore incomplete. I can only attach hope to later talents, mastering oriental and occidental studies, capable to do away with superstitions and to question thoughts of Western history, in pursuing my work to be done. Herein is my preamble.
He Xin
September 2014, drafted in the bed after surgery
At the age of 30 (1980), I entered the China Academy of Social Sciences. Like a reckless bull, I have rampaged in Humanities for over 30 years, with devastating and disruptive breakthroughs in an original and innovative manner. Along the way, I have encountered a lot of hatred and scolds. Yet, academically I have not found out any my competent opponents to beat me, with little to challenge me publicly. (For over 3 decades, there are limited opponents only, including Si Weizhi, Wang, Yabuki (Japanese scholar), and Gao, while each play consists of only one round at a time, in spite of my unexhausted efforts, the other party silently slips away.) So lonely!
But from now on, I will have to admit that I am incapable to complete some of my reasoning. For any critique, criticism, and attacks, I am afraid unable to respond or start an in-depth discussion and debate! Such is the variable conditions and all will end in vain. Alas, such is fate and what else can I say? But beam with a bittersweet smile!
, finding Shang through inscriptions on bones, and enabling the authentic history of Chinese civilization after Shang.
[Note: Hu Shi and Gu Jiegang started the school of doubting history in the early 20th century, suggesting that "accumulated rumors built ancient history" and regarding that from Xia to Qin, earlier ancient history, more myths and legends. The ancient history should result from accumulated rumors from generation to generation. They argued that none of scriptures,and academic and historic records were credible as literatures of pre-Qin and ancient history had been compiled by scholars later, which prevailed for a while. Until Wang Guowei's finding of genealogy in inscriptions described in Historical Records, and Li Ji's findings of Yin Ruins following ancient books in Pre-Qin, more abundant relics were unearthed in the 20th century, completely breaking the denial of Chinese ancient history.]
Yet in academic communities in the West advertising their scientific positivism, no efforts have been made to authenticate ancient books, histories and myths in building a school of Judging Ancient History of the West. A lot of myths and rumors have been grouped into authentic history of Greco Rome, and accumulated into history, while some brainless elites in China worship those fabricated pseudo history of masturbation as sacred.
I was interested in researching Western history, including learning foreign languages for unveiling the truth. But in recent years I have suffered from a serious illness, and had to throw in the towel, as I have been unable to improve the old theory and supplement research.
In fact failed to compile the book personally, I had to appoint most of the task to my assistant. It took me over a month to complete this short preamble. The book and above described theories are therefore incomplete. I can only attach hope to later talents, mastering oriental and occidental studies, capable to do away with superstitions and to question thoughts of Western history, in pursuing my work to be done. Herein is my preamble.
He Xin
September 2014, drafted in the bed after surgery
At the age of 30 (1980), I entered the China Academy of Social Sciences. Like a reckless bull, I have rampaged in Humanities for over 30 years, with devastating and disruptive breakthroughs in an original and innovative manner. Along the way, I have encountered a lot of hatred and scolds. Yet, academically I have not found out any my competent opponents to beat me, with little to challenge me publicly. (For over 3 decades, there are limited opponents only, including Si Weizhi, Wang, Yabuki (Japanese scholar), and Gao, while each play consists of only one round at a time, in spite of my unexhausted efforts, the other party silently slips away.) So lonely!
But from now on, I will have to admit that I am incapable to complete some of my reasoning. For any critique, criticism, and attacks, I am afraid unable to respond or start an in-depth discussion and debate! Such is the variable conditions and all will end in vain. Alas, such is fate and what else can I say? But beam with a bittersweet smile!